Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bunnies and Chicks and Eggs, Oh My!

I took the basic cake pop recipe and turned them into sweet Easter treats to give to my nieces and the kids' friends.  These are a few I made last year.

For the bunny, I dipped the pop in white candy melts and placed  it in the Styrofoam block to dry.  Then, for the ears, I cut a marshmallow in half and dipped the sticky parts in pink sanding sugar.  I attached them using a toothpick and some candy melt.  The nose is an m&m, attached the same way and I drew the eyes and mouth with an Americolor Gourmet Writer.

For the egg, I took the cake ball and shaped it like an egg as opposed to a ball (duh!)  Then, I dipped it in pink.  When it was dry, I used some yellow that I put into a bag and snipped the corner off of.

The chick, was by far, my favorite!  He got dipped in yellow and when he dried, I "glued" an orange rainbow chip for his beak, yellow chips for his wings, and orange leaf sprinkles for his feet.

This year, I did make more, but I also tried them "upside down" and think they came out just as cute.
What do you think?

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