Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sponge Bob Square Pants

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
I made this cake a while ago (one of the few I've ever done) and thought it was a fun one to share.  The year my daughter turned 4, she was obsessed with Sponge Bob.  While other girls her age were having princess parties, she insisted on a Sponge Bob theme!

To make this cake, I baked a yellow cake in a 9 x 13 pan. (I chose yellow cake so that when you cut it, it would be spongy yellow inside!)

Using vanilla frosting, I tinted most of it yellow and frosted half of the cake with it.
The middle section got frosted with the plain vanilla frosting.
For the bottom I used chocolate frosting.

For the arms, I attached a marshmallow to each side of the cake.  Then, I heated some banana flavored Laffy Taffy in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it.  I rolled it and flattened it into a hand shape at the end.  I attached one to each marshmallow.

Using the same method as the arms, I made the legs.  This time, I attached them to chocolate covered marshmallows.  I used white, black and blue decorator icing (the kind that comes in a tube) for his socks
and 2 snack size Snickers for the feet.

For his eyes, I took white and blue Airheads candy and microwaved them a few second.  When they were soft I flattened them out and using a scissor, cut them into 2 large white circles and 2 smaller blue circles.  After I laid them on the cake, I traced around them with the black decorator icing, adding an eyeball and eyelashes.

I continued on with the black icing to make the nose and mouth.  I filled in the mouth with red icing and made the tongue from a red Airhead.  I used 2 Chicklets for the teeth.

To make the sponge holes, I cut yellow Dots candy into discs and placed them over his body.
I finished it off by adding his shirt collar with black icing  and his tie with red.

She LOVED it!!

I made Krabby Patties too!
They're simply Nilla Wafers and Keebler mint cookies, held together with green icing.  I spread a dab of honey on top of the cookie and sprinkled it with sesame seeds!  The kids loved them!

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