Thursday, June 9, 2011


Can you believe it?  My oven still isn't working!  Ugh!!!!  I really don't know how I'm managing, but  thankfully, my mother-in-law lives very close and has let me borrow hers on a few occasions.

The end of the school year is here and my daughter's Daisy troop is having a picnic. I thought it would be cute to bring daisy cookies for the girls.

I used my favorite sugar cookie recipe and decorated them with lemon flavored Royal Icing.  To make the daisy's center, I learned a great trick from Sugarbelle.

Tape waxed paper to the back of a cookie sheet

Using icing with a thicker consistency and a squeeze bottle with a #3 tip,  pipe small circles on  the paper.  

Let dry over night and then peel them right off the paper.  From what I've heard, you can store them pretty much indefinitely in an airtight container.
This will save you so much time when decorating because you simply place them on the wet icing!

Here they are!

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